Jenna Simone

What Role Does Data Destruction Play in Cybersecurity?

April 12th, 2022

When most people think of cyber security, they imagine complicated passwords, authentication systems, or virtual firewalls that prevent malicious entities from accessing private information. While those programs undoubtedly play an important role, data destruction is also incredibly crucial to keeping data safe. This is the process of destroying data so that it’s no longer accessible. […]

The Dangers of Not Destroying Your Company’s Data

December 21st, 2021

Many companies handle private information on a daily basis during their normal operations. However, if they don’t employ data destruction services when disposing of outdated electronics or old files, that sensitive information risks falling into the wrong hands. Here are four consequences of not destroying data for businesses. CONTACT US Please prove you are human […]

Increasing Your ROI With IT Equipment Reselling

October 11th, 2021

There are many advantages you’ll receive when you sell used hardware. Selling electronic appliances you no longer need will free up space at the office and let you store something else in its place. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about updating it every single year and installing new parts. Most importantly, you’ll be able […]

What Can Happen if You Don’t Dispose of Data Correctly?

May 20th, 2021

Data breaches can occur for a wide range of reasons. While they are often a product of improper security, they can also take place when businesses don’t dispose of their data correctly. Your company’s data should be taken seriously and destroyed properly to keep theft at bay. If you fail to dispose of your most […]

What Should a Business Keep or Shred During Tax Season?

April 18th, 2021

Tax documentation can really clutter up your office space or hard drive, as well as being a huge security risk if stolen. However, there are a lot of rules on how long you need to keep tax documents before shredding them. As a certified data destruction service, we’ve created a handy guide about what you […]

Tips for Keeping Company Information Secure When Working Remotely

March 10th, 2021

When you work from home, it’s important to secure your network access, but also data present on your computer, paper printouts, and auxiliary storage such as thumb drives and personal cloud storage. Any time you receive company data, their data disposal policies apply. CONTACT US Please prove you are human by selecting the Truck. Δ

How You Should NOT Be Destroying Your Hard Drives

February 15th, 2021

Have you thought about how to keep your old hard drive data secure when it’s time for new hardware? In an old wartime military manual, there’s a chapter on destroying equipment to avoid enemy capture, and the methods include cutting internal wires using axes and machetes, burning the hardware using flame throwers or incendiary grenades, […]

Why Your Business Should Consider a Data Destruction Service

January 21st, 2021

Data destruction services are the essential, practical side of corporate cybersecurity. Do you get the feeling that you’re missing something critical in your cybersecurity strategy? While you’re busy watching your network, servers, and endpoints for malware and data loss, you could be shipping off truckloads of former assets with fresh data for hackers to explore. […]

What Are Some Steps We Can Take to Reduce E-Waste?

November 17th, 2020

When businesses decide that the time is right to upgrade their technology and data storage, it represents a time of change. You bring in the latest hardware to build a solid foundation no matter what industry you’re in. Now, You need a plan on how to deal with your outgoing equipment. That’s where a certified […]

To Shred or to Erase? That is the Question.

August 26th, 2020

As you prepare to decommission your I.T. equipment, one of the most important tasks ahead of you is the proper destruction of confidential data and information. This is an essential security measure you must take to prevent hackers from accessing valuable information about your company, even if said information is latent or outdated. But which […]