What Should a Company Do After a Data Breach?

March 15th, 2023

Blog, Data Security
A hacker tries to breach the security of a company online.

As the world becomes more reliant on technology, so too have businesses. However, while there are many advantages and conveniences to integrating their systems into a digital space, it also makes them more at risk for data breaches. In the third quarter of 2022, roughly 150 million data records were compromised, meaning that breaches are a concern that every company must prepare for and defend against.


However, what should a company do after a data breach? Knowing what to do after a data breach is an important aspect of preparation that no company should neglect, as their response can influence the future of their business and their relationship with customers and clients. Let’s review four steps to take after a data breach and why they’re essential to the process.


The faster your company takes action following a data breach, the more damage will be mitigated. However, it’s crucial to confirm whether or not the attack was legitimate. Some hackers use phishing emails to pretend to be an affected party and request information from businesses, which they then use to carry out a breach. That’s why, while responding quickly is important, companies must also be wary of who they speak with. For legitimate assistance and compliance with data breach reporting laws, it’s best to contact law enforcement directly.


The next steps to take after a data breach involve containing the breach to prevent any more damage from taking place. However, there are many actions you should take during this step to ensure that your company is completely secure. If you want to learn what to do after a data breach to contain it, follow these actions:


Disconnect affected devices from online systems and networks to limit the extent of the data breach. However, only turn off a compromised machine if an expert tells you to.

Restrict Access

By limiting the access of private data to specific individuals in your company, it will lower hacker accessibility by preventing them from gaining access through compromised employee information.

Update Passwords

One of the best things businesses can do after a data breach is to provide accounts with new, original passwords — this is especially important if a hacked employee account caused the breach. In addition, consider regularly resetting passwords every few months to mitigate the possibility of future breaches.

Freeze Accounts

Many hackers conduct breaches to obtain credit card information. To protect your assets, freeze those accounts to prevent any nefarious individuals from accessing credit card details and causing financial damage.

Update Security

Reinforce your current security by adding new firewalls, antivirus programs, and other software. By fixing any weaknesses in your system, you can prevent another breach from occurring.


After the breach has been properly contained, the next order of business is to respond to it. There are two important details you must ascertain during the assessment. The first is the data the hackers took, such as what information was stolen and how much. Your company will also need to determine the source of the breach and why it happened in the first place. Knowing how the breach occurred will let you know how to address the problem and prevent hackers from taking advantage of the weakness in the future.


One of the most effective ways to perform a damage assessment is by finding and hiring a data forensic team. They know what to do after a data breach and how to investigate its cause and scope. With professionals by your side, your company will have a much easier time collecting valuable information regarding the breach.


Knowing what to do after a data breach isn’t just important for your business — it’s the law in many cases. Many areas have data protection laws that require companies to report data breaches to law enforcement within a specific timeframe. Additionally, businesses will need to notify affected parties, such as customers and business partners, about the breach. You’ll need to include details involving the information that hackers stole and how they were able to breach your system.

Prevent Data Breaches At Your Company By Engaging in Proper Data Destruction

While understanding what to do after a data breach is important, you can prevent hackers from obtaining your private information through proper data destruction. At Keystone Technology Management, we can help keep your data safe with professional hard drive shredding in NJ and surrounding areas. In addition, you can also contact us to sell used IT equipment and for other services. For more information, reach out to Keystone Technology Management today.