As a leading provider of hard disk shredding in New York and the surrounding states, Keystone Technology Management understands the gravity of sensitive information access. In today’s world, businesses and organizations simply can’t risk classified data stored on hard drives finding its way into the wrong hands. As such, proper hard drive data destruction is paramount before disposing of computers, laptops, and mobile devices that have reached end-of-life use — whether they’re outdated, not in optimal working order, or you no longer need it.
If you’re looking to wipe the hard drive clean of data so it can be reused, then any reputable I.T. professional can be an excellent resource. Generally, what is required is to clear the data, after which you’re free to use the hard drive as you wish. Wiping the disk can help to:
- Overwrite data
- Remove malware or a virus
- Wipe personal data from a previous owner and subsequently personalize the hard drive.
Whatever the reasons may be, wiping the disk drive is a fairly straightforward process that can be performed using the right tools. But what if you need to destroy it?
Hard Drive Destruction
First, you should take inventory of all functions the device has been used for over its service life. For instance, has it been used to store and process financial, health, or personal data like social security numbers and credit card information? Depending on the sensitivity of the data, you need to pay close attention to the destruction process. This is where we come in! Employing a certified I.T. asset disposition service not only gives you more time to focus on the core values of your business but it gives you “clean slate” peace of mind, as well.
Partnering With a Hard Drive Destruction Provider
Before you begin the process, ensure any content on the drives is completely useless, and that anything you desire to keep has been backed up at least once, as it will be impossible to retrieve after destruction. That said, here’s how our hard disk shredding company near New York can help:
Contact Keystone Technology Management today to learn more about I.T. asset recovery and disposal.