The threat of a data breach is something every company using any kind of technology must contend with. Hackers and other digital criminals use all kinds of tactics to get their hands on improperly secured information. In order to avoid the nightmare scenario of a data compromise, it is of the utmost importance that business leaders ensure their companies’ data is completely secure at all times.
Here at Keystone Technology Management, we are well acquainted with the different threats posed at the many different levels on which data exchanges occur. We specialize in securely handling off-network IT assets and consumer electronics in compliance with data security regulations. For this post, we would like to focus on some of the practical things business managers can do to help sure up any loose ends on their off-network security fronts.
- Encryption is key. Did you know that under some regulations, the compromise of unencrypted data is not technically considered a breach? Investing in encryption for data and hardware can go a long way in terms of data security.
- Training for employees and vendors in any chain of data custody should be conducted regularly. Proper procedures for handling sensitive information should be like second nature for those responsible for doing so. Otherwise, businesses leave themselves open to data breaches that could have been easily avoided.
- If you think your hard drive is the only place where off-network data should be minded, think again. Physical documents like papers, CDs, and even floppy discs should not be left out in the open. If you don’t already have a filing system in place for these things, implement one immediately.
- Conduct scheduled risk assessments to ensure all of your guidelines for off-network data security are being adhered to. Consult with an IT security professional to make sure your procedures are all up-to-date with current industry standards.
- Completely destroy every piece of old or unusable hardware. That means wiping it clean and then shredding it. You should contact a certified professional for this. Businesses in NJ in need of data destruction services are strongly advised to reach out to us.
We hope you found this information useful. For more information about our hardware destruction services in NY and its surrounding areas, or to learn more about better off-network data security, take a look around our website or give us a call today.