Once you become a business owner, you’re no longer responsible for just yourself. You’re obligated to protect the information of your company, employees, and clients. However, there comes a time where you need to dispose of data and hardware that is no longer relevant or necessary. Whether you’re upgrading aging hardware, downsizing, or simply getting rid of equipment you do not use, properly disposing of IT equipment will prevent you from encountering implications due to improper destruction or unlawful disclosure.
At Keystone Technology Management, we follow HIPAA and FACTA regulations to ensure personal and company information is protected. When it comes time to dispose of your digital hardware, be sure to contact us for our environmentally friendly IT recycling solutions to avoid facing the following consequences:
Data Breach
One of the most common threats to secure information is a data breach. Failure to properly dispose of equipment is like welcoming a hacker to take what they please. Information found on IT equipment can be used to gain access to other information, and can also lead to identity theft.
Loss of Revenue
Once you become a victim of a data breach, attempting to stop the hackers or rectify any damages can cost you quite a bit. Don’t put your company, employees, and clients in a position that can compromise their reputation. Retain your company’s revenue by relying on us to properly dispose of your IT equipment.
Government Fines
By complying with federal laws, such as HIPAA and FACTA, you can avoid government fines by properly disposing of private information on IT equipment and hardware.
The best way to protect yourself from data breaches is by taking the right steps to ensure your IT equipment and hardware is properly disposed of. If you experience a data breach, not only might you face government fines, but failure to comply with HIPAA and FACTA regulations can also have legal implications. You can easily avoid facing a civil suit from a disgruntled customer who is a victim of identity theft by making proper data destruction a priority.
If you’re looking for safe, environmentally friendly IT recycling solutions in New York, you can trust that our team follows all regulations to protect your company, employees, and customers. For more information on how we can properly dispose of your data and hardware, please give us a call at 800-419-7176.